Art from Ashes-Blue Cut Fire4


Art from Ashes-Blue Cut Fire4

Fragments of Remembrance-about Green

Fragments of Remembrance-about Green

Fragments of  Remembrance - TK-

Fragments of  Remembrance - TK-

Won Sil Kim

Artist Statement

The artworks primarily were focused on nature especially where I live or where I had been.
However recently, with a camera, I have tried capture the moment of beauty or the scene that motivated my imagination. The shape of land or cities, the color and the feeling of the environment even smell influenced my work.
One of the ways expressing the beautiful nature or the scene by work of art, I captured beauty and the moments by camera and printed out the image. After then, I sometimes cut or tear photographs into several pieces and collaged the photo image on clear acrylic sheets like fragments of remembrance and added my emotion and sense of art with colors on the sheet.
From the process of making work of art, I concerned about layers. The layers are enhancing the sense of mystic quality and joy of imagination of the viewers.






